Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Call For Curators
Deadline to submit proposal : Jan 31, 2011
Format and timeline : variable

h o w i s t h i s g l a s s ? is an ongoing initiative that identifies and profiles new,alternative ways of working with glass. Thus far, the project’s blog and exhibition series have successfully highlighted works by post-glass artists;
ventures that speak about glass using vocabularies unexpected in the studio glass tradition : guerilla intervention, performance, digital technology. Still a nebulous trend in the contemporary glass art scene, our efforts aim to sustain this attention as the number of post-glass artists is growing.

In pursuit of active discussions about post-glass-ism, we invite curators who are interested in studying and furthering its scope. We hope to democratize the voice of post-glass, whose expanded definition and implications will be formed by the submissions received, through a network of peer voices rather than a single proprietary or critical authority. We see the curator as a “content specialist”, someone who establishes and develops information based on observation, insight and research. We are seeking innovative and critical perspectives on the phenomenology, materiality or social/personal experience of glass. Your concept must stem from either the direct (non-)experience of glass or an active investigation of specific issues and cultural connotations. In all cases, the research must call for and be manifest only through a new articulation.

For example, you may wish to record evidence of post-glass experiments hidden within conventional studio glass over the past 50 years. Perhaps you envision an exhibition that features conceptual work made by the intense pursuits of material-based artists. Maybe you feel strongly about redefining the notion of craftsmanship in light of emergent, interactive technologies. Performative acts based on the phenomena of light may be of interest to you. Or perhaps you wish to scour popular literature and lyrics to assimilate a rich dictionary of cultural metaphors associated with glass.

The topic of interest lies wide open as evident above. The expression of your research may be varied: an exhibition, a publication, a forum, a film, audio recordings, or other public events.... The outcome may be unique, insightful, critical,poetic or entertaining. You need not be a glass artist or curator to submit. If your investigation explores the main premise of the the post-glass initiative, we would like to hear from you. In turn, we offer h o w i s t h i s g l a s s ? as an open source platform for bringing attention to wider post-glass ideas.

To submit:
Please email yukanjali@gmail.com with a letter of interest that introduces your project. In the main body of the email, include a brief outline (up to 250 words) of your proposal : intent, concept, nature of working relationship being sought and outcome. Do not forget to list full contact information at the bottom of your email.
As attachments (pdf or doc), please describe the proposed research in greater detail - content, components, timeline, funding, methodology and outcomes. Basically, tell us what you envision the project as and how you intend to make it happen. Please include your resume. You may also attach media as needed, less than 10MB. Please label all attachments as follows: yourlastname_mediatype_number.fileformat (eg.genius_video_03.mov for the third movie clip sent by Jane Genius in support of her proposal).
Please note that as the initiator, you will be responsible for the vision, funding and execution of your proposed project. We provide the springboard, an umbrella of peer support and attention, and will contact you to discuss the possibilities and exact terms of a formal relationship with h o w i s t h i s g l a s s ? depending on the nature of your project.

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