Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
works by Yagi Lyota
Friday, September 26, 2008
Alicia Keys: "I basically drip the cells over the glass and they stick to the surface and they slowly start to grow and spread out...
Artist's skin cell work cultivates concern
There is outrage at a Hobart artist's move to cultivate skin cells for art.
Alicia King has received ethical clearance to use her own cells and those of consenting patients at the Royal Hobart Hospital.
The artwork involves growing skin cells over glass forms, and fixing and dying them before they are added to an art piece.
"I basically drip the cells over the glass and they stick to the surface and they slowly start to grow and spread out until there is a thin membrane," she said.
"It's quite hard to see with the naked eye so I dye it with a tissue culture dye."
It has taken the University of Tasmania's Human Research and Ethics Board six months to approve King's application to use her own cells for the mixed-medium work.
"It's much more clear-cut with ethics if I am using my own," she said.
"There is no issues of consent that are there with animal tissue."
The clearance also means waste tissue from consenting patients at the Royal Hobart Hospital can be used.
But the hospital says it is inappropriate and has refused permission.
An exhibition of the work opens in Melbourne tomorrow.
(ABC News online Aug 16, 2006)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
glass grows!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
"Slow Glass"
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Exhibition and catalog (working title): Post-Glass Artists / Glass Guerillas
Exhibition date and location : June 2009, Corning NY
Deadline for submissions : Oct 01, 2008
Post-glass Artists / Glass Guerillas questions the adequacy of the current definition of a glass artist, its associations and implications, in light of the studio practice of a significant number of emerging artists.
We are looking for works that toy with the idea of “guerilla intervention” in glass practice. For example, the method or production of your work may use the vocabulary and tools of alternative media rather than glass; the final form of work may not be glass. Perhaps, not even an object. Or maybe the object is made of glass but behaves in a remarkably un-glass-like manner. Maybe the outcome of your artistic process or its mode of distribution exceeds the focus of conventional glass art channels(throughsay, street performance).
We seek works whose concepts are unarguably derived from the direct experience of working in the medium of glass and yet, are risk-taking in their approach. They are hard to accept in conventional glass art avenues, challenging to existing discourse and uncomfortable or unfamiliar to encounter. To this end, we also welcome proposals.
To submit:
Please email You may submit upto 3 works/ideas for consideration. Indicate whether work or proposal in the subject line. In the main body of the email, include a brief description (upto 100 words) per submission and why you are interested in submitting (150 words total). For a proposal, send a written description of your project [max. 500words] with up to 3 images [drawings, pictures etc.] that exemplify the project.
Attach image/video/sound files as needed, less than 10MB. Please label the attachments as follows: yourlastname_entrynumber_imagenumber.fileformat (eg. for a movie file sent by Jane Genius in support of submission 1 and image 3 within that submission). Do not forget to list contact information at the bottom of your email to us. Works that are of interest will be posted at for open discussion, which you are welcome to join. For more information and questions about this project as it develops, please visit the blog or email us.